How You See It

How you think about StudioCMS depends on you.
  • You've got a ton of photos on your phone, computer, and various storage devices.
  • StudioCMS is how you clean that up, preserve your photos, and share them with your family and friends.
  • You subscribe to StudioCMS base features.
  • You're a professional photographer, or aspiring to become one.
  • StudioCMS is your suite of professional studio services, exhibition hall, and community forum.
  • You subscribe to StudioCMS base and professional features.
  • You're a photography consumer.
  • StudioCMS is the easy way to work with your photographer to get the photos you want.
  • You use freely available StudioCMS public features.
  • You're a photography aficionado.
  • StudioCMS is your virtual museum with galleries to explore, filled with photos to admire and possibly acquire.
  • You use freely available StudioCMS public features.

Overview of Features

Base Features
  • Upload photos via the browser for archival storage
  • Curate public and private galleries
  • Organize photos with keywords
  • Search for photos by photographer, date, keywords
  • View detailed photo metadata
  • Post photos to social media
  • Post narratives
  • Chat with other subscribers
  • Create a legacy plan
  • Get help via email
Professional Features
  • Publicize photography services
  • Manage client information
  • Communicate with clients
  • Setup a photoshoot
  • Upload to a photoshoot straight from your camera with FTP
  • Provide client access to photoshoot photos
  • Edit photo metadata and control its visibility
  • License and sell photos
  • Chat with other pros
  • Get help via phone and zoom
Public Features
  • Browse public galleries
  • View photos and read narratives
  • Find and engage a photographer
  • License and purchase photos